
I’d like this archive to become a collaborative effort. The aim is to catalogue as many known radio and TV appearances as possible and to preserve the available recordings. I hold a limited number of recordings in the #CarthyArchive and some (mostly more recent) broadcasts are permanently available to stream or download via the BBC website.

How to contribute
If you know of any broadcasts that are not listed on the website or if you know of any available recordings that are not currently in the archive you can contribute by contacting me with the details. Some basic guidance is given below (but contact me anyway even if you don’t have all the relevant details).

If you’re contributing broadcast details it’s useful to provide as much detail as possible, such as the title of the programme, the broadcaster, the transmission date(s) of the episode and a synopsis of its contents. It’s also useful to include a list of any songs played and a description of the session type (e.g. live or pre-recorded studio session, concert recording, etc.). If the only music included in the broadcast is from commercially available recordings (i.e. just playing tracks from Martin’s CDs) you don’t need to list these unless there’s a specific reason for including them.